About the Program

The Passport Program is funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS). The program helps adults with a developmental disability be involved in their communities and live as independently as possible by providing funding for:


  • Community participation services and supports
  • Activities of daily living and person-directed planning
  • Caregiver respite services and supports

    If you would like more information about the Passport Program please
    visit Passportfunding.ca There you will find current program information such as:

  • What can I use the funding for?
  • Passport Guidelines and Tip Sheet
  • Important news and up to date information for Passport Recipients
  • Educational tools, videos and webinars
  • Links and education on how to use electronic methods to submit Passport expenses through My Direct Plan or eCLAIM
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) Passport Program

Visit: mcss.gov.on.ca

Passport is funded by MCCSS. Their website has important details on the Passport program and other Adult Developmental Services.

Partners for Planning
Visit: planningnetwork.ca

Partners for Planning is an online network of families and caregivers, professionals, organizations and agencies that provides online tools and resources including E-learning, networking and planning to empower people with developmental disabilities, their families and caregivers. With over 100 partner organizations referring families and caregivers to the planning network, Partners for Planning has become a key resource for families in Ontario.


Visit: https://passportfunding.ca/learn-about-eclaim

eCLAIM allows you to complete a personalized fillable claim form and submit all of your Passport claims and receipts online using the eCLAIM website. Through your eCLAIM account, you can submit claims electronically, and view your claim submission history and claim status. There are no costs associated to use eCLAIM.

MyDirectPlan (MDP)

Visit: https://passportfunding.ca/learn-about-mydirectplan

MyDirectPlan (MDP) is an online tool that allows you to submit your claims online through their website or mobile application. MDP also includes other tools to assist you with budgeting and managing your funds. Through your MDP account, you can submit claims electronically, and review your claim submission history and claim status. There are no costs associated to use MDP.

Visit: familyservicetoronto.org

PassportONE was created by the Ontario government and Passport agencies to improve the Passport Service experience by making invoice processing and reimbursements faster and more efficient. This new approach to Passport payment processing includes consolidating the back office financial functions associated with Passport into a newly created agency called PassportONE.

To learn more about Passport program eligibility and the application process, please contact Developmental Service Ontario Northern Region

Toll Free: 1-855-376-6673
Email: dsonr@lccare.ca

If you are currently receiving Passport funding and need to speak to a program representative, please contact:

Toll Free: 1-855-376-6673
Email: passport@lccare.ca

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