Frequently Asked Questions
What makes an individual eligible for DSO services?
DSO will require the following to assist in determining whether or not an individual is eligible to received services:
Proof of age:
Must be 18 years or older, provide provide one of the following (birth certificate, Ontario Health Card, Passport; or Driver’s License)
Proof that you are an Ontario resident:
Provide one of the following: rental or lease agreement, statement of direct deposit for ODSP, Employer record, Mailed bank account statements
Psychological Assessment:
Your psychological assessment will be reviewed by the DSO office to make sure you are eligible. If there are significant limitations in cognitive and adaptive functioning that occurred before your 18th birthday, and support will belief long, you are eligible to receive services. If you do not have a psychological assessment or if information is not clear, we may be able to assist you in arranging to have an updated assessment.
How do I book an appointment?
To book an assessment with DSO, contact our toll free number at 1-855-DSO-NORD (376-6673).
What is an ADSS/SIS?
The ADSS (The Application for Adult Developmental Services and Supports) is a tool that includes several components which include: basic demographic and contact information; a person’s lifestyle preferences, strengths and goals for the future; background information on medical and behavioural support needs; information about current services and supports that may be involved; current caregiver and family circumstances; and services and supports that a person is requesting.
The SIS (Supports Intensity Scale) is a tool that helps to identify the pattern and intensity of supports a person needs to participate in everyday activities. During this meeting we talk about the kind of support a person may need at home, in the community, at work or educational activities, in their relationships or simply to stay healthy and safe.
How long does the ADSS/SIS take?
Each assessment is booked over two days. The ADSS is completed first and usually takes approximately 2.5 hours to complete. The SIS would be scheduled on another day, as this appointment also requires 2-3 hours to complete. We do recommend scheduling 3 hours for each assessment.
What is a respondent?
A respondent is someone who has known the person being evaluated for at least 3 months, and has observed the person in one or more environments for a substantial period of time (parent, staff, job-coach, teacher or self).
What is a Developmental Disability?
A Developmental disability is present at birth or develops before 18 years of age; limits a person’s ability to learn; is permanent; and can be mild or severe.